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The Oracle Cloud Talent, Training, and Services Marketplace

Panameer SA is a vertically aligned, global talent, training, and services marketplace based out Panama City, Panama.  Our web-based platform enables buyers and sellers from anywhere in the world to connect and digitally exchange Oracle Cloud related services. 

Vertical marketplaces offer MANY service types to ONE consumer type, horizontal marketplaces offer ONE service type to MANY consumers. 

Fiverr and Upwork are great examples of horizontal marketplaces.  They offer low-cost, single-settlement, “micro-services” (web design, SEO, branding, etc.) to any person and/or business globally. 

As mentioned above, Panameer is an example of a vertical marketplace.  Vertical marketplaces offer micro and what are called "macro-services".  Marco services are high-cost, multi-settlement services governed by a Statement of Work (aka an SOW).  These services are sold to Oracle Cloud-related businesses only.

Our Team

Experts by Application / Technology
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Scott Walls

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Linus Erley

Digital Branding & Marketing
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Marelise Steenkamp

Director of South Africa
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Eddie Cairnie

Director of Strategy
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Tina Baker

US Recruiting Lead
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Todd Simard

Global Recruiting Lead
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Deepak Kumar

Director of IT
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Ran Ziv

Venture Partner (GLT Group)